Working directly with the source of the disease
Reiki Healing
What is Reiki?
Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Source
About our unique sessions
Combining the Energy Healing of Reiki and benefits of “From Heartbreak to Happiness”(R) coaching programs create better results for clients. I have witnessed a large number of receive great value from this combination. Please read a short explanation of our sessions below.
A session takes place in a relaxing and calming atmosphere that includes aroma therapy using essential oils. It starts with a short coaching conversation followed by energy healing of Reiki. The coaching part of the session helps you release your negative thoughts that cause stress, the energy healing of Reiki helps you release the blocks in the body that cause pain and discomfort. It deepens relaxation in both mind and body and helps the body to heal and repair itself with more ease in less time.
Benefits of Reiki
Rates and discounts
To purchase sessions:
Call: 866-908-4325 or Email:
Single Session
60 Min. Session
Support Package
3- 60 minute sessions
(Saving $50.00)
Zen Package
5- 60 minute sessions
(Saving $100.00)
Best Deal
Want To Know More Ways Reiki Healing Can Help you?
Experience the healing power of Reiki no matter where you are with Distant Reiki, which promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and supports your body's natural healing processes from the comfort of your home. Additionally, bring harmony and balance to your professional environment with Workplace Reiki, designed to improve employee well-being, reduce stress, and enhance productivity, creating a more peaceful and focused work atmosphere.
Stories of Healing and Hope

A Reiki session feels like a wonderful healing radiance that flows through and around you.
How Can Reiki Healing Help You?
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Kee) comprises of two different Japanese characters, interpreted simply to mean Universal Life Force Energy.
Reiki energy has an intelligence of its own and therefore knows where and how a person needs healing. Reiki is safely used at any time, in any place since “universal” means applicable or common to all purposes, conditions or situations. Most importantly Reiki expresses the quality of unconditional love and speeds up your body’s own natural healing process.
Reiki energy works on whatever level the recipient needs it, so the healer need not direct or control the energy but simply act as a vehicle for the energy transference. Reiki is non-invasive as you only have to lightly place your hands on the other person or even just above him/her in order to conduct the Reiki. It causes an expansion in the chakras, energy field and aura of both the one performing Reiki and the one receiving the treatment. Reiki accelerates spiritual growth. (American Reiki Academy, ©) It can also be done remotely. Learn more about Distant Reiki here.
How do Reiki and other methods of hands-on healing work from a scientific standpoint?
People around the world have been using Reiki and other hands-on healing methods to assist individuals in improving their health and state of well-being for centuries. As humans and technology have evolved, we began to take a more medical approach to health and wellness (at least in the western world); therefore, Reiki and other alternative methods of healing have been perceived as unrealistic or “mystical”. We are now at the point in our human evolution where we are uncovering the science behind formerly “mystical” approaches. Much the same as once thinking the stars in the sky were all Gods or the world was flat, we now have the technology to look beyond the mysticism and see the reality of what is before us.
Reiki practitioners often describe how their healing modality works as bringing Source energy (God energy, Love energy, Chi, etc.) in through their crown chakra (top of the head), down through their heart chakra, into their arms (extensions of the heart chakra), out their hands and into the body & energetic field of their client — healing, balancing and cleansing them. While this explanation is certainly valid, it is difficult for people who need a more scientific or logical explanation of how Reiki works to accept this explanation.
To view this from a logical standpoint we need to understand the electromagnetic field, the myofascial system, chakras, and biophotons. Once these are understood separately we can put them together to understand the science behind holistic energy healing.
Energy Healing
To grasp the basic concepts of energy healing understand first that everything is made up of electromagnetic energy, or simply put, energy. All energy vibrates at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The Eastern explanation of energy refers to this energy as ‘Chi’ (pronounced Chee), the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing, whereby the Western explanation of energy within the body typically refrains from explaining what energy is but instead states that we need energy within our bodies to sustain life and that energy cannot be destroyed or eliminated from our being. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways – known as meridians and chakras – of all living forms, in order to maintain health and wellness, energetically, mentally, physically, and emotionally. This life-force energy, or Chi, moves within, from and around our bodies through what is known as an electromagnetic field (see picture above). An electromagnetic field (also known as EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. Humans, animals, plants, cell phones, even planet Earth has an EMF and this Chi flows from all parts in the Universe, in and throughout this EMF continually. The Institute of HeartMath is currently conducting enlightening research on the EMF and their findings on how the EMF affects and is affected by our emotions and thoughts, or intention. It is this field that energetic healers work within to bring about clearing, balancing and healing of the body.