In this class you will receive the Holy Fire® III. This training will allow you to teach Reiki classes either in person Placements and Ignition are much easier to do than the old style hands on attunements. This makes teaching these levels of Reiki much easier as you will not need class time to demonstrate, and practice the attunements in class.
Level II Reiki certification is mandatory in order to attend this class.
Also, the Placement/Ignition system provides a more effective level of Reiki for the student and also empowers the symbols with more effective healing energy. The Usui energy is no longer part of the system and has been upgraded to the Holy Fire® Reiki energy. However, all four of the Usui symbols are still used and will be empowered by Holy Fire® III Reiki energy.
After completing this class, you will be able to initiate students into levels of Reiki up through full Reiki master. The class is taught as the Usui/Holy Fire® III style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system as taught by Mrs. Takata, and a special Holy Fire® III style.
Cost – $555.00 due by March 25, 2025 to allow enough time for you to receive your manual.
Use code: HOLISTIC to save $50.00 on your full tuition paid on or before March 11st?
Class dates: 4/11/25, 4/12/25, 4/13/25
Location: The Healing Portal, Ventura, Ca.
Payment plan is available upon request.
For more information about these classes please go to: