Tips on feeling up and focused

Last post, we talked about benefits of meditation. Today let’s look at how much drinking water has to do with feeling better, more energized and focused.

The idea for this post came to me through what I experienced. Last week started with a lot of stuff happening. I found myself jumping from one thing to the next, without taking breaks and self care went out the window.

Towards the end of the week, I started feeling tired, agitated, sad and pretty much miserable. All the while, wondering why?

It didn't occur to me that I wasn't drinking enough water till one night, I woke up with a painful cramp in my leg.

That's when I realized how dehydrated I was. The next morning started with a large glass of water and kept it up during the day. A glass of water every 2 hours. Around noon, started feeling like myself again. The energy was back, felt focused and excited. I was elated to see this huge change with just drinking more water.

Feeling good is important, filling our bodies with nutrition and hydration is as needed or even more important.

So next time you feel lack of energy, maybe feeling a headache coming on, don't forget to drink your water first.

Here is an article for more information


Meditate to a calm body and mind


3 Tips to keep your energy levels high, while caring for others!