Blog Posts
Gift of Sensitivity!
I understand the pain of being sensitive to energy, but I also know the joy of turning this sensitivity into a gift that helps others heal intuitively. Now, I wake up eager to embrace each day, and I go to bed feeling grateful for the amazing experiences I have had. I want everyone to experience this kind of life, which is why I am dedicated to my work.
Healing Unresolved Trauma
Unresolved trauma occurs when we experienced overwhelming event(s) that is too much to tolerate. To protect ourselves from feeling the pain, we start pushing it down and avoiding the disturbing emotions. That is why some people turn to negative habits to calm and soothe their nervous system, such as drinking alcohol, using drugs or turning to food to name a few additions
Meditate to a calm body and mind
Today let’s look at Meditation, how it can help calm the body and silence the mind.
Tips on feeling up and focused
The idea for this post came to me through what I experienced. Last week started with a lot of stuff happening. I found myself jumping from one thing to the next, without taking breaks and self care went out the window.
How to create Clarity and Focus by letting go of feeling Overwhelmed!
One main problem that I have noticed working with clients and observing my own experience of feeling overwhelmed is (are you ready for it?) GIVING OUR POWER AWAY TO SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T EXIST ANYWHERE BUT IN OUR MINDS. Thinking that we are behind schedule or overwhelmed……..
Healing grief after loss of my only son!
I believe in afterlife with a passion. What are your thoughts around this subject? I get it, people in general don’t want to talk about death or dying. Perhaps it is because there is a finality to these words. What if the idea of life after death was everyone’s truth? Do you think we would still be afraid of dying or suffer as much after loss of a loved one, specially a child?
Simple healing tool of The Sedona Method with Hale Dwoskin
We tend to resist what we label as bad feeling and hang onto a good feeling rather than allowing our feelings to be and flow through us. The attachment to what we tend to resist keeps us stuck to it because we may believe that how we feel and what we are dealing with is a part of us.